Friday 13 July 2007

"Top" Garden update

An update on our "top" garden: Everything is going well and we just had our first harvest, Radishes. Here are some Pictures of our flourishing "top" garden:

The yellow flowers in the photo below are Pak Choi, an Asian vegetable that can be found at most supermarkets. There are 2 types of Pak Choi, Green and White. The green tends to grow tightly where as the white variety grow more loose leaf and go to seed easier. The variety we have in the "top" garden is white but we have the both green and white in the bottom garden (see "Hi! I'm back!"). A similar vegetable is Bak Choi, but don't get them mixed up!

Radishes are a good plant because they take up a very small amount of space and are good for children with little patience as they sprout and grow quickly. Here is a photo of one of our first Radishes:

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