Wednesday 27 July 2011


While looking for more plants to expand our fruit trees a friend told me about  Raspberrys, I looked them up and found them to be good size, produce a lot of fruit and multiply by sending out suckers from there roots.
I convinced Paul they were good and we started to prepare the area.
We decided that in stead of using poison to get rid of the grass we would dig up the area and move the chooks over it for a week to get rid of the new grass sprouts and put some manure in the ground in the process.
We hope to be planting them on Saturday.

Thursday 21 July 2011


Our crop rotation sheet (see last post) potatoes under the month of July so we got 2 bags of seed potatoes from Bunnings and got ready to plant. Paul hoed up the patch and made two furrows 10in deep. We cut each potato in half and dropped them in the furrows 12in apart stepping on them as we went to make sure they were imbedded in the soil, then we covered them with soil and watered them in.
...It is now 3 weeks later and there sprouting.

Tuesday 19 July 2011

Crop Rotation

Crop Rotation is good because it reduces disease and stops the necessary elements for each kind of plant being starved out of the soil.
We were having some trouble making a crop rotation plan till Fiona found a plan someone had made of Peter Cundall's rotation so we adapted it to suit our 8 beds instead of his 6 and it seems to be working out ok.
Garden Plan